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Could Sderot Have the Same Standing as Tel Aviv? Perhaps If We Reform the Electoral System

Israel is the only OECD member that has neither regional elections nor a personal element in the electoral system. This is not simply a technical issue but has far-reaching implications relating to the quality of representation and the obligation elected officials have toward their voters.

International Press

Yohanan Plesner | BBC News | Israeli Public Opinion on Negotiations with Hamas

Yohanan Plesner, president of IDI, spoke with BBC News' Ben Brown as wide-scale protests erupted in Israel following the harrowing murder of six Israeli hostages by

Israelis Split on Motivations for Holding the Philadelphi Corridor
Israeli Voice Index

Israelis Split on Motivations for Holding the Philadelphi Corridor

Israelis are divided on the question of the main reasons for Netanyahu's demand that Israel continues to control the Philadelphi Corridor. While over half of the Jewish respondents (58.5%) think this decision is based on military and strategic considerations, 66.5% of Arab-Israeli respondents thing it is due to political reasons. 

Netanyahu and His Ministers Have Driven Israel to the Verge of a Constitutional Crisis

Netanyahu and His Ministers Have Driven Israel to the Verge of a Constitutional Crisis

Disregard of the Attorney General’s authority to interpret the law by several government ministers is leading Israel toward a constitutional crisis.

The Majority of the Israeli Public Supports Establishing a State Commission of Inquiry into the Events of October 7
Special Survey

The Majority of the Israeli Public Supports Establishing a State Commission of Inquiry into the Events of October 7

A special survey conducted in July 2024 evaluated public opinion on the need to establish a commission of inquiry into the tragic events of October 7th, 2024.

The Security Cabinet Should Play a Greater Role in Determining Hostage Negotiations

The Security Cabinet Should Play a Greater Role in Determining Hostage Negotiations

The Prime Minister’s decision to retain the power to determine the parameters and scope of the hostage deal as a “policy issue” disregards the implications such a deal has on security issues. Israeli history underscores the importance of convening the security cabinet and upholding the appropriate democratic channels in times of war.

The Role of the Attorney General and Government Conduct

The Role of the Attorney General and Government Conduct

In recent days the Attorney General has issued several warnings that decisions are being made using "flawed work processes." This explainer provides an overview of the role and importance of the Attorney General in Israeli democracy, and the current criticism directed by the AG at the government.

The Knesset in Numbers

The Knesset in Numbers

The 25th Knesset has recently completed its summer session, which began on May 19, 2024 and concluded on Sunday July 28, 2024. This article reviews and analyzes various aspects of the Knesset’s work during this period, comparing them to the previous two full sessions of the 25th Knesset.

Judicial Selection in Israel in the Aftermath of the Judicial Overhaul

Judicial Selection in Israel in the Aftermath of the Judicial Overhaul

With the outbreak of the war in October 2024, the Prime Minister announced that he was halting all legislation relating to the judicial overhaul, however, various government actions raise questions regarding its intentions in relation to the overhaul and whether it might be trying to advance it by other means beyond legislation.

“For these things, I weep; my eyes stream with tears, for there is no one to comfort me, to restore my soul.” (Book of Eicha)

“For these things, I weep; my eyes stream with tears, for there is no one to comfort me, to restore my soul.” (Book of Eicha)

Israel’s challenges on Tisha B’Av 5784 are severe and complex. The costs we pay for living here are heavy and bloody. Yet the people living in Zion cling to the tradition of their forefathers and foremothers and to generations of pioneers who lived and died hoping to establish a model society here.

Tisha B’av: Lessons from Destruction and Hope

Tisha B’av: Lessons from Destruction and Hope

9 B'av commemorates the destruction of the Second Temple in 70AD. As we mark the day, we face intense polarization within Israeli society and threats against our security from without. What lessons can we take from the story of the Temple's destruction that might serve us well today?

Across Political Orientations;  Jewish and Arab Israelis Have Negative Feelings Toward the Government
Israeli Voice Index

Across Political Orientations; Jewish and Arab Israelis Have Negative Feelings Toward the Government

Across the Left, Right and Center, rates of Jewish Israelis who say the feel "anger," "disappointment" or "frustration" are considerably higher than those expressing satisfaction, pride, or trust. A large majority of Israelis (70%) support the establishment of an inquiry into the events of Oct. 7th, but do not agree on the timing of such an inquiry. 

Even Against Terrorists – The Rule of Law Prevails

Even Against Terrorists – The Rule of Law Prevails

The rule of law is a fundamental democratic principle, meaning that all governing bodies are subject to and must comply with the law. Despite the complexities inherent in ongoing war, this is true also of the IDF, and only decisive action against breaches of conduct may protect the rule of law in Israel and Jewish morality. 

Haredi Yeshiva Students Are Being Called to IDF Enlistment Centers. What’s Next?

Haredi Yeshiva Students Are Being Called to IDF Enlistment Centers. What’s Next?

On Monday August 5, 2024 and Tuesday August 6, 2024—900 ultra-Orthodox yeshiva students were required to present themselves at IDF enlistment centers. Shlomit Ravitsky Tur-Paz, Dr. Eran Shamir-Borer and Mirit Lavi explain the next steps the IDF will need to take in order to enforce the legal obligation of conscription. 

Advisory Opinion of the International Court of Justice on the Legal Consequences of Israel's Policies and Practices in the "Occupied Palestinian Territory"
Legal Opinion

Advisory Opinion of the International Court of Justice on the Legal Consequences of Israel's Policies and Practices in the "Occupied Palestinian Territory"

An in-depth analysis of the advisory opinion of the ICJ on the legal consequences of Israel's policies and practices in the 'occupied Palestinian territory.'

Investigating Allegations of Detainee Abuse is Israel’s Moral and Legal Duty - And a Diplomatic Necessity

Investigating Allegations of Detainee Abuse is Israel’s Moral and Legal Duty - And a Diplomatic Necessity

Investigating allegations of abuse at the Sde Teiman detention facility is Israel's moral and legal duty as a rule-based democracy and protects the country on the international legal and diplomatic front. 

Ultra-Orthodox Draft Challenges and Objectives

Ultra-Orthodox Draft Challenges and Objectives

As the IDF issues the first batches of draft orders for ultra-Orthodox men, the following outlines the challenges, opportunities and objectives of an amended conscription law. 

IDI Mourns the Passing of Ambassador Martin Indyk

IDI Mourns the Passing of Ambassador Martin Indyk

It is with great sadness and a profound sense of loss that the Israel Democracy Institute mourns the passing of Martin S. Indyk, a longstanding member of its International Advisory Council. 

Another Brick in the Wall? The ICJ Advisory Opinion on Israeli Policies and Practices in the Occupied Palestinian Territory

Another Brick in the Wall? The ICJ Advisory Opinion on Israeli Policies and Practices in the Occupied Palestinian Territory

The ICJ Advisory Opinion on Israel's policies in the territories of the West Bank (Judea and Samaria) are illegal but was more divided on other salient factual and legal findings.

A Joint Effort: Integrating Haredim in the IDF

A Joint Effort: Integrating Haredim in the IDF

The IDF should do what it can to ease the transition of Haredim from the social frameworks in which they have grown up and been educated into the military, but it is also important for new conscripts to understand that the rules cannot be changed according to the preferences of every single soldier or group.

The United Nations’ Warning about Undermining the Independence of the Judiciary

The United Nations’ Warning about Undermining the Independence of the Judiciary

The UN report paints a disturbing picture in which countries experience “autocratization”—an erosion of the foundations of democracy—through actions that undermine the judicial system’s independence. In Israel, the current government is aiming to undermine judicial independence in order to consolidate its power and authority at the expense of individual rights and the rule of law.

Workforce Participation of Haredi Yeshiva Students Under the Exemption Age
Key Findings

Workforce Participation of Haredi Yeshiva Students Under the Exemption Age

This study describes the employment trends among men registered in ultra-Orthodox yeshivas between the ages of 18-25. The findings are based on a reported work, or "legal work," so it is very likely that this is an underestimation of reality. 


IDF - Ultra-Orthodox Conscription - What Happens Next?

The Supreme Court’s landmark ruling determined that ultra-Orthodox men must serve in the army poses numerous challenges for the IDF. What are the challenges of drafting the ultra-Orthodox and how should the IDF go about overcoming them?
Most Israelis Support Deal to Release All Hostages and End the War in Gaza; Israelis Divided on How to Handle the Northern Front
Israeli Voice Index

Most Israelis Support Deal to Release All Hostages and End the War in Gaza; Israelis Divided on How to Handle the Northern Front

Across the total sample, 56% of Israelis support a deal to release all the hostages and end the war in Gaza; 29.5% support a deal to release some hostages in exchange for a temporary ceasefire; 14.5% don't know.

The Procedure for Electing Israel's Chief Rabbis

The Procedure for Electing Israel's Chief Rabbis

Elections for the Chief Rabbinate Council and the two chief rabbis (“the Chief Rabbinate elections”) will likely be announced in the near term. The present document suggests a number of fundamental changes to its membership, with the goal of making it more representative.

A Two-Tiered Process of Accountability for October 7

A Two-Tiered Process of Accountability for October 7

A state commission of inquiry is a vital step, but it is up to the public to ensure Israel's leaders are truly held accountable.

So Haredi Men Must be Drafted. What Now?

So Haredi Men Must be Drafted. What Now?

Nine Supreme Court Justices ruled unanimously that the state must act to enforce Israeli conscription legislation and apply it to Haredi men. For this to be realized the IDF and the defense establishment must also make significant changes. These are the issues the IDF should take into consideration.

Labor and Meretz Merge to Form “The Democrats”—Consequences and Implications

Labor and Meretz Merge to Form “The Democrats”—Consequences and Implications

The Labor and Meretz parties recently announced their intention to merge. Though these are relatively small parties today—Meretz has no representation at all in the current Knesset, and Labor has just four seats—this is still a significant event from a historical perspective and within the Zionist left.

Employee Skills in Israel: Overview and Gap Analysis

Employee Skills in Israel: Overview and Gap Analysis

Technological advancements, rapid globalization, and structural changes in the Israeli economy over the past few decades have led to significant shifts in the demand for workers and in the tasks required of them, as well as in the characteristics of their skills and qualifications. This study offers insights on these questions using a variety of data sources and by employing two distinct empirical approaches.